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Frequently Asked Questions

Community Land Trusts help low and moderate-income families benefit from the equity built through home ownership, and at the same time preserve the affordability of these homes so that future residents will have the same affordable homeownership opportunities.

A Community Land Trust (CLT) creates affordable housing by taking the cost of land out of the price of a home. It keeps housing affordable for future buyers by controlling the resale price of houses on CLT land through a ground lease and resale formula. Homeowners leasing CLT land under their home enjoy the security, control, ability to build equity plus potential tax advantages. If they sell their home, the resale formula ensures that the home remains affordable for the next family.

TapRoot CLT will provide affordable homeownership opportunities to households otherwise excluded from the market. To do this, we will: (1) buy or receive donated land or homes (2) build homes or acquire and rehabilitate existing homes and, (3) sell these homes to homebuyers with modest income at an affordable purchase price.

For however long a homeowner resided in a TapRoot CLT house, they will have a community led organization advocating for them and helping out in times of need. This support, often referred to as “stewardship”, is critical to our mission.

Civil Rights leaders established the first CLT, New Communities Inc., in 1969 in Albany, Georgia. Currently, close to 350 CLTs have taken up the call to promote land justice, increase individual and collective wealth and protect communities—especially in historically African American neighborhoods. In addition to providing homeownership opportunities, many CLTs preserve land for affordable rental homes, community gardens, as well as for commercial and mixed-use properties.
Good question! Well, we love the Kingston Land Trust (KLT) and have an intimate collaboration with them, but the two organizations are quite different. TapRoot CLT is primarily focused on housing justice while KLT is primarily focused on land stewardship and environmental preservation. Of course, land access and housing will always be intertwined, and that is why we have joined forces to help each other in our respective and shared missions. 
Land banks are specially designated to clear title and return vacant, abandoned and tax foreclosed property to productive use. Unlike Land Banks, CLTs have a membership driven leadership model and preserve affordability for the first and all subsequent homeowners of each property. The Kingston Land Bank also prioritizes affordability, so we see the potential of a fruitful collaboration between both organizations.

There are three types of membership:

  1. Community Members– people  who resides in, owns a business or can demonstrate a commitment to our region
  2. Resident Members– people who reside in a CLT home or apartment
  3. Business Members Any business or organization in the area that would like to support the efforts of the CLT by paying annual dues and attending membership meetings. 

The organization will be run by a democratically elected, equally divided, three-part Board of Directors.

  1. Community Members will elect 3 representatives.
  2. Resident Members will elect 3 representatives and
  3. both Community Members and Resident Members will elect 3 Public Directors. Public Directors represent the interests of the general public and may be, but are not limited to, housing justice experts, community leaders, social justice activists, members of other organizations providing housing or social services for households with low-income, government officials or members of other like-minded organizations.

Read the Get Involved page for more information.

TapRoot CLT will serve Ulster County and surrounding areas. The group was begun by concerned citizens in Kingston, but as we matured and refined our mission, everyone agreed that affordable housing is a serious problem in every municipality in our region.
While there are many effective options and strategies to help preserve and build affordable housing, Community Land Trusts are a unique and proven solution that provide a set of key benefits not offered by other affordable housing models. These benefits include but are not limited to:
  • Affordable Homeownership. CLTs sell homes to individuals while retaining ownership of the land, therefore drastically lowering the price.
  • Creation of Generational Wealth. Because of high housing costs, many families are excluded from ever owning their home and building equity that can be passed onto their kin. CLTs are a way to break that cycle, bringing economic stability not only to individuals but families and communities as well.
  • Permanent Affordability. CLT Homeowners agree to certain resale modifications so that all homes in the CLT are designated for affordability and inclusion in perpetuity. This creates opportunities for residents with modest incomes to stay in their community.
  • Subsidy Retention. Most affordable housing subsidies are geared towards helping a house to be sold at an affordable rate only once. Because of the CLT resale agreement, any subsidy that helps to create the initial affordability is recorded into the deed, allowing for generation after generation of affordable ownership. This is a much more cost effective and long term way to invest in affordable homes.
  • Economic Stabilization. CLTs help alleviate the cost of living for individuals, families, businesses, neighborhoods, and entire communities.
  • Development Without Displacement. CLTs revitalize neighborhoods without the often unintentional, yet all too frequent displacement of people who already live in the area.
  • Ongoing Support. CLTs create affordable home and property ownership opportunities, but don’t go away after the property is sold. Instead, we will assist all CLT resident members in their efforts to become and remain successful. These assurances and commitments are designed to last for very long periods of time. Our ground lease agreement with homeowners will have a 99-year term, can be inherited, and can be renewed at the end of the first 99-year term for an additional 99 years.
  • Community Input, Control and Transparency. A primary innovation of the CLT model is the way it creates a dynamic collaboration between community members with low income and seasoned professionals within an organization focused on the complex issue of creating and maintaining affordable housing. TapRoot believes that the populations most impacted by a crisis ought to determine its solutions.
  • New Homes and Rehabs. Developed by partner organizations like RUPCO and others.
  • Homes Donated by Organizations. Many CLTs receive homes and properties donated by other values-aligned organizations.
  • Homes Donated by Individuals. Community members can donate homes and properties or designate the CLT as a benefactor in their will.
  • Foreclosure Prevention. For households facing the threat of foreclosure, placing their home into the CLT would keep them in their home, lower their cost burden and allow them access to TapRoot’s housing advocacy network.
  • Housing Smart Communities Initiative. This new county program provides incentives for municipalities to make commitments to housing affordability including working with CLTs among their recommendations.
  • CLTs are designed to help households with low-income access homeownership in markets where they would otherwise be excluded entirely. And while CLT homes don’t appreciate at the same rate as the free market, CLT homeowners can expect to regain whatever downpayment and mortgage payments they’ve invested, plus 2% annual appreciation whenever they decide to resell.
  • After accessing homeownership through TapRoot CLT, a homeowner can choose to move onto a market home whenever they choose.
  • CLT homeowners are much less likely to experience foreclosure due to the protections and assistance a CLT can provide when tough times happen.
  • In Ulster County, 31% of homeowners and 53% of renters pay more than half of their income on housing*, making them severely cost-burdened as defined by the federal government.  The cost of a CLT home is calibrated to the income of the homeowner so that their monthly housing costs never exceeds 30% of their income, allowing for much more savings that could be invested elsewhere.
*Ulster County Housing Action Plan
By donating to TapRoot, your property will perpetually provide housing for community members with modest incomes, helping to protect families and stabilize the community you love. Donating to TapRoot is not just a gesture towards something you believe in, it will make a lasting material change in the lives of all its residents for generations to come. Like any home in TapRoots portfolio, the community-run organization will protect the land and make sure that all future sales will be kept affordable. You can also continue to live in your home but place the property in Trust. With this choice, your property taxes would likely be significantly reduced. You would automatically become a TapRoot member, accessing all the advantages of having a lively housing advocacy organization behind your back, helping to navigate repairs and other critical decisions all homeowners must face.
Shared Equity is the perspective and approach that CLTs use to preserve affordability. Since CLTs are community run organizations, the subsidy raised by the nonprofit and used to lower the cost of homes, is called “community investment”. The ownership of the land is retained by the community and the homes are sold to individuals. Whenever a homeowner (or their inheritor) decides to sell, the appreciated value of the home is proportionally split between the family and the CLT which helped lower the price of the home in the first place. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement, where people with modest incomes get all the benefits of homeownership, and the community as a whole is more resilient to gentrification and the volatility of the speculative housing market.